Saturday, February 9, 2008

Day Two

It's actually 10 p.m. on the 9th here, so still day two for me. I did pretty well today despite some minor obstacles. I don't know if it's the detoxing or what; but I woke up at 2 AM to go to the bathroom and I had started my period. I took some medicine I have for cramps - which was less than ideal during feasting. But I didn't want anything to derail my efforts. I took my dogs for a 45 minute walk as soon as I got up despite feeling crampy and bloated - so I am pretty proud of myself for that. I did like 3 loads of laundry and I also hung some Tibetan prayer flags up on our roof. They are so festive blowing in the wind. The wind is supposed to activate the prayers and release their intentions into the universe. I'm very glad that I finally got them up. Hopefully they will bring beautiful blessings to everyone who sees them. ;))

Then this evening my roommate spent 2 1/2 hours in the kitchen making seafood paella from scratch. At first it smelled simply awful. I had to take a little walk down the block. Then I proceeded to burn cinnamon incense in my room all night to try to counteract the foulness. Once he got everything together and into the oven it actually smelled pretty good, but I was still a little grossed out by the original fishy smell. Then my other roommate made cookies. JEEZ! I normally have a very acute sense of smell but when I'm juicing it is ridiculous. I know they both meant well. And they were individually disappointed when I told them that I wasn't going to eat any of it. Oh well. If there's anything that you really get when juicing, it is to honor yourself and not be influenced by other peoples agendas, no matter how well-meaning.

Today I had:
48 oz of Strawberry/Pineapple/Celery/Romaine juice
16 oz water w/ Green Vibrance powder

48 oz of Carrot/Apple/Beet/Ginger juice
TOTAL: 112 oz
24 oz of Una de Gato Tea

I'm still not getting in a full gallon of juice so I really need to work on that.

Today's weight: 207.0
Today's BMI: 30.6

Total Weight Lost: 3 pounds

I have a little bit of a headache again tonight, so I'm going to sign off for now. I will try to make a point to take measurements and post a picture tomorrow.

Sweet dreams and well wishes,


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