Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day Seven

Again, I didn't write yesterday. Blogger had frozen my account because they thought it might be a spammer blog????? I have no idea what that's about. But tonight it's back up and running so here I go. ;))

Yesterday I had:
24 oz Celery/Apple juice

24oz Carrot/Orange juice blended w/ ice from Jamba Juice

64 oz modified Master Cleanser recipe

TOTAL: 112 oz

Yesterday's Weight: 200.5
Yesterday's BMI: 29.9

Then today I got up early and took the dogs far a walk. I don't know if I've mentioned that I have TWO dogs. The old one that I spoke of in my first post is a 14 year old Australian Cattle Dog named Marley. The young one is a 2 year old Brindle Bull Terrier mix named Buddha. I love my girls! Today Buddha was extra fiesty so I stopped at the big park near my house and let them run around. It was so good to see them play. Marley would chase Buddha a little bit and then go off and do her own thing. Buddha would run balls out as fast as she could for about 1000 yards or so and then turn and run back. She'd stop every now and then to sniff at the ground and sometimes roll in it. Then she would take off after a bird in the other direction. So much fun. It made me start thinking about how little it takes to make a dog truly happy. We should be so easy to please. When's the last time any of you felt that kind of pure unbridled joy to be alive and out in nature? Think about it. As for me, I feel so fortunate that I have them to remind me to take in these little moments that are so precious.

Today I had:
32 oz Carrot/Apple/Beet/Ginger juice

64 oz modified Master Cleanser recipe

32 oz Pineapple/Celery/Spinach/Mint juice

TOTAL: 128 oz

plus: 16 oz of Hibiscus Tea

YAHOO! I finally made it to the gallon mark. It's true what Angela says in her blog - that you're much better off if you get in as much juice as early as possible. At least I think it was in her blog that I read that. No matter. Whoever said it, it's very true. Planning is key.

I've also incorporated Bee Pollen over the last couple of days. I don't really care for the granules too much but I found chew able wafers at the health food store. I have one n the morning before I take the dogs for a walk and one in the evening when I get home from work. I let it dissolve on my tongue like a lozenge. Yum! I highly reccommend those wanting to do a juice feast to add Bee pollen. It gives me a nice little energy boost at the beginning and end of my day.

Today's Weight: 199.0
Today's BMI: 29.6

Total Weight Lost: 11 pounds

Aloha and thanks for reading,


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