Sunday, February 17, 2008

Day Ten

YOWZA! 10 days down 82 days to go. I can hardly believe it. Things have been going smoothly and I am still totally committed to doing this. It's kind of like something I heard in a Wayne Dyer lecture years ago. He talks about making a change in your life and compares it to going through a self-closing gate that slams and locks behind you. Once you've gone through it there's no turning back. Which is very much how I feel right now - that there's no turning back. Baby, I am going through that gate! Part of my reason for blogging about the experience is to keep me real and accountable. And so far it's definitely working. But I also want to share this journey with others and to show them how accessible a raw food lifestyle is for everyone. I feel like I am taking the abundance of knowledge I've collected over the years about health and finally, actually living it.

Yesterday I had:
24oz Apple/Celery/Romaine/Ginger juice

64 oz modified Master Cleanser recipe
24 oz Strawberry/Cucumber/Spinach/Mint juice
TOTAL: 112 oz

Yesterday's Weight: 197.5
Yesterday BMI: 29.1

Total Weight Lost: 12.5 pounds

I know that I've lost a lot of weight pretty rapidly, but now it's slowing down a bit. I did have a good amount to lose - 75 lbs - so I guess this just proves the amount of excess baggage I needed to get rid of. I feel quite good physically and I trust in the wisdom of my body. At this point, I even have a couple of pairs of jeans that were too tight that I can wear now. And a whole closet of clothes in descending sizes that I'll fit into at different stages along the way. ;))

Today I had:
24 oz Carrot/Apple/Beet/Ginger juice
64 oz modified Master Cleanser recipe
24 oz Pineapple/Celery/Spinach/Mint juice

TOTAL: 112 oz
plus: 16 oz Peppermint Tea

Anyway. I am very happy with my progress so far. No major crises, no major emotional breakdowns, no terrible cravings. I'm just kind of cruising along. Hopefully it will stay this way throughout the rest of my 82 days. Wouldn't that be nice?

Aloha to all and to all a good night,


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