Friday, February 15, 2008

Day Eight

This new Buddha batik tapestry arrived today. I won it on E-Bay a couple weeks ago. It adds gorgeous color and beautiful energy to our orange sitting room. I am so completely happy with it! YAY! Our house is turning into a haven of good vibes.

Today I had:

24 oz Carrot/Apple/Beet/Ginger juice

64 oz modified Master Cleanser recipe
24 oz Strawberry/Celery/Cucumber/Mint juice

TOTAL: 112 oz

plus: 24 oz of Green Tea

Still having a hard time making the gallon mark. I just can't seem to find the time to make juice or go but it even.

The caffeine in the green tea spaced me out a bit today. I really felt a rush within minutes of drinking it and it made me a little hyper. But I had a lot to do at work so it was actually quite helpful to get a nice power boost in the middle of the afternoon.

I've been on the computer all day and my back is kind of stiff so I think I need to sign off. I wish you all lots of juicy goodness.

Aloha and Namaste,


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