Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day Nineteen

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY. I've got so much going on at work right now I feel like my head is going to explode. That's the reason I haven't written for several days. Not to worry, though. I am staying the course. I have moments when I'm kind of tired of juicing, but for the most part I am on auto pilot. Still not too much exercise to report and I know that needs to change. I am going for a walk with my dogs every morning, so at least that's something.
I've been having basically the same thing every day:

24 oz Carrot/Apple/Beet/Ginger juice

32 oz modified Master Cleanser recipe

32 oz Pineapple/Celery/Greens/Mint juice

TOTAL: 112 oz
plus: 24 oz of some sort of tea - Green, Hibiscus, Una del Gato, etc.

I know that this isn't a full gallon, but this quantity seems to work for me. So until I begin a more strenuous exercise regimen I feel like this quantity is OK for right now.

Today's Weight: 193.0
Today's BMI: 28.5

Total Weight Lost: 17 pounds

It's weird, when I've done regular Master Cleanser I had a hard time going past Day Twenty psychologically. Probably because I was so gosh-darned sick and tired of the stinkin' lemonade. ;)) But this time I am really confident that I will do the whole 92 days. And the reason I've kept with the same juices every day is because I LIKE THEM. When I've deviated early on and tried something else I was always slightly disappointed. Now I really look forward to my juices.

Anywho, once I get through this week things should settle down a bit and I will do my best to write - at least a little bit - every day.

Aloha, Namaste, and thanks for reading,


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