Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day #6

Wow. Almost a full week into this raw food experiment and 101 day yoga challenge. Penni decided to change the name to "Raw Food Rehab" - which I think is a more catchy title.

I have done yoga 6 consecutive days! 3x Baron Baptiste video and 3x Bikram audio cd. And tomorrow I go back to the studio after a 3 week hiatus.

Today also marked my first day of no dairy. Yesterday I decided that I am going to give up dairy cold turkey for a full year. Now I'm probably going to have to play it by ear as far as items that contain dairy as an ingredient. And I may have butter occasionally. But definitely no cheese and no milk, or really *any* obvious dairy, for that matter. I know that I can do this. I gave up diet soda for a full year and now it's not even an option for me. It's time to give dairy the boot as well.

I am planning to make a couple of Alissa Cohen's recipes tomorrow. Maybe I will post a couple of pictures if they turn out well. I want to have yummy raw food choices on hand so that it's easier to stick with the program.

Anyway, so far so good. I will be weighing in tomorrow so we'll see just how good. ;))


hannahjustbreathe said...

Wow, Ellen. All that yoga and now dairy, too! I'm impressed with how you're challenging yourself. I've long thought about giving up dairy, too, but eh. I just don't know if I could live without milk.

How are you liking the Baptiste yoga? Despite my love for Bikram, I miss taking Baptiste classes reguarly, too. It's a great balance of two similar and yet very different styles of yoga.

Good luck on your journeys here in the next year!

EllenMo said...

I am not able to do the Baptiste videos very well yet. But I am sure that will improve with time. So far I really like the variety of doing a different sequence a few days a week and I find the styles are actually quite complimentary. ;))