Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day #10

Beginning Weight: 207.5
Today's Weight: 204.0
Goal Weight: 150

Yeah!! 10 days down!!!!

I couldn't help weighing myself this morning. And lo and behold I am down 2.5 lbs from yesterday!!

I believe that there are several reasons for this:

For one, I know I've committed to writing down my food choices and this makes me think twice about what I put in my mouth.

Second, I have been without dairy for 4 whole days now(!!)

Third, and probably most significant, I have been back to the Bikram studio for 2 super-duper sweat-drenched workout sessions this week!!!

I really believe that getting back into the studio is key for me. There's something special about practicing in 105 degree heat with 20-30 like-minded students and a competent teacher to guide you through those magical 26 postures. Of course, I do like practicing yoga at home, too. And
I will continue alternating studio/Bikram days w/ home practice/Baptiste days. So far I think that cross training w/ different styles of yoga is making me stronger. At the very least it is giving me a good variety. And that makes it a lot easier for me to practice every day. ;))

Yesterday's Food Choices

32 oz green smoothie
w/ spinach, mint, strawberries, bananas, coconut oil

8 am - home

chai w/ almond milk
blueberry muffin
11:30 am - Starbucks
6 red/yellow mini sweet peppers
2:00 pm - work
chopped veggie wrap

4:00 pm - Salad Creations

Today's Food Choices:

glazed doughnut w/ chocolate frosting

cafe mocha w/ soy milk
9 am - The Patisserie

1 banana
10 am - work
fruit salad
w/ pineapple, melon, & grapes
11:30 am - The Patisserie
special fresh veggie roll

1:30 pm - Safeway
1 slice double fiber bread w/ peanut butter
6 pm - home

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